In 1989, there was an event that changed the world and marked time to a suspension which denoted a war zone.
This event went unnoticed by world renowned scientists and astrologers. The mightiest of warriors wandered in a sea of abyss which had no meaning or resolution.
Tempest was the treasure sought; but all in vane. Across mountains, prairies and oceans abroad, there stood only one man who could see it all. This man chose to close his eyes and not find the source of the disruption. Eventually, all was revealed except the cause and reason. Only the excuses remained; leaving the multitudes in awesome wonder of why these people were heads of state.
The momentum began without clash, thunder or lightening. Nothing known to man so it remains in the stars and hides from mankind. Hides but yet rules the fate of mankind.
Our Father Time, Orion, with a bullish bow cannot kill or collapse this phenomenon concealed by silence. Terror resulted and swept the world masked by famine, grief, greed and attainment.
My friends, this phenomenon was to be know as the world wide web. The spidering effect interfered with the most sophisticated scientific equipment instead of advancing the technology. The man was my father who stood silently and grasped the evolution of mass destruction. In his turrent thought process in 1969, he created the solution which was denied posthumously in 1989. Landing on the moon was only one of the far outcries to ancestral astrologers.
Beaming bands of light concurred with the monstrosity of bewildered children of the night. Anxious to please anyone, drug addiction ran rampant in holy cities and bequests.
When King James redesigned the calendar in Gregorian fashion he was not aware of the meaning of Quatrain XXII which clearly amended the heavenly bodies man was so dependent on to tell time. Significant factors are embedded in scientific equations of the Tomahawk Task Team. Only one man has the egress of time.
When a wireless signal ignites and is sent forth to the destination, it creates a nano second breach in the space time continuum. Exactly how many breaches per second are generated in the atmosphere is not counted or recorded by any scientific agency. All are too busy recording destructive ideas and conjunctures. Good has come of some of them; but they have missed the point of intersect which is the voyager of mankind’s history. Just where this is amassed in the equivocable equation of anti-matter.
We are all time travelers in a sense. We have come to that point in the Gregorian calendar which adds to 22 years of nanosecond breaches in the continuum. We have stood still which is the pivotal point of anti-matter. Eleven years before and eleven years after the true millennium recorded by the masters of the ages.
To return to a state of matter, a scientific state of mind must be attained. This state is not one of hypnotic pleasure but one of near abyss.
And this state of mind is known only as the total communion with God, Nirvana to some. Music brings us to a calmness iridescent that is going to continue. Mainstream your mind however you must without the use of carcinogenic hypnotic substances. Clear your mind and go back to 1989...where you were…who was with you…who you worked for…bank balance and all the worldly things we are so acquainted with.
Perhaps then, the records will show peace on earth and good will toward men, women and children. The beasts of the revelation will die a steady death and never surface within you again. That is why the masters of thousands of years ago lived to be 964 years old or older.
Millenniums are points in time to correct with passiveness, not aggressions of war.